November 26, 2012

24th countdown

dear Allah,
for a few times from now, im getting older. my age will count to 24th.
today im gonna saying thanks for everything that u gave to me, for everything u do to me. i am really blessfull.

this years is so meaningfull for me. 24th is more than the number, it is trully my milestones. i cant imagine how's my life without You. You give me a strenght and more powerfull to face all problem that came to me.

Dear Allah, u know exactly who i stand for in this world. being a nice girl, being a proudly girl, just to make smile in her face. please save and bless her in everything she do. thats a very big gift for me from u.

and dear Allah, theres always so many things i want u doin for me. i already tellin u, in every part of my pray. one the important things are would u mind to reunite us, in a good way.and condition?

once again, thankyou Allah.


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